09中考英语命题作文 A


A. 写人

1、以" My Mother "为题,用英语写一篇短文。要点:

① 妈妈是护士,在县人民医院工作。 她工作努力,工作中严格要求自己,因此,她的同事们对他评价很高;

② 2003年参加抗击"非典"的战斗。为了保护我们免受"非典"的侵害,一个多月没回家。当时,我非常想念妈妈; ③ 我爱妈妈,并为妈妈而自豪。

参考词汇:县 county;  抗击fight against; 战斗battle;  非典 SARS;

My mother

My mother is a nurse. She works in the People’s Hospital of our county. She works very hard. She is very strict with herself in the work. So her workmates speak highly of her.

In 2003 she took part in the battle to fight against "SARS". She was away from home for more than one month. So I missed her very much, but I knew she was trying her best to protect us from "SARS" and she was doing an important thing.

I love my mother very much, and I am very proud of having such a great mother. I should learn the spirit of working hard and being strict in the work from her. When I grow up, I would like to be a person like my mother.


Name Zhang Yining sex girl City Beijing

Birth 1982.10.5 height 1.68m weight 52 kilos

Achieve -ments 六岁开始学习乒乓球, 在1999年45届世乒赛上(the 45th Table Tennis World Championships)显示非凡的实力,获得亚军。 在2004年的雅典奥运会(Athens Olympic Games)上夺得金牌。 在刚刚结束的国际世乒赛(ITTF)上夺得女子单打冠军,成为乒乓球领域中的顶尖。

I’d like to introduce a girl to you. Her name is Zhang Yining. She was born in Beijing in 1982. She is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 52 kilos. At the age of six, she began to play table tennis. In 1999, she won the second at the 45th Table Tennis World Championships. In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, she won the first. And now she won the women’s singles at the ITTF World Cup. She becomes the top of the table tennis field. We hope she will make greater progress in the future.

3、在初中三年的学习生活中,你一定交了不少好朋友,留下了许多美好的回忆。请以"My Best Friend Tom/Mary" 为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,介绍一位你最要好的朋友,男生姓名用Tom;女生姓名用Mary统一代替。

内容要求:1、他/她的外貌特征和个性特点; 2、你们一起经历的一件你印象特别深刻的事情。

注 意:严禁使用真实的校名和姓名

My Best Friend Tom

Tom is my best friend. He has short hair and wears a pair of glasses. He is shorter but a little bit stronger than I am. In my eyes, he is a clever and brave boy.

One day we went to school by bus together as usual. The bus was so crowded at the rush time. "Oh, my god! Where’s my wallet?" A woman beside us cried suddenly. We thought there must be a thief around us, and we tried to help her but failed in the end. The next stop was coming and the woman became more worried. Just then Tom rushed to the driver quickly and told him what happened.

All the passengers were taken to the police station and the thief was caught. We were late for class that morning; however, we felt excited at that unusual experience.A