中考英语作文范文  北京中学生与2008奥运



假设温哥华(Vancouver)的中学(Discovery Middle School)与你校是姊妹校,该校校刊“Discovery”将以“北京中学生与08奥运”为主题向你们征稿。你决定投稿,侧重介绍你的学校、你所在的社区或北京开展的促进“绿色奥运”的一些活动,这些活动为学校、社区或城市带来的变化,以及你从中获得的感受。

提示词:the Beijing 2008 Olympics, “Green Olympic”, idea, volunteers, plant, save, change, environment, good for,


One important idea for the Beijing Olympics is “Green Olympics”, for which the whole city has done a lot to improve the environment. So has our school.

Last month, my school formed a group of volunteers in every class. I was one of them. We cleaned up our school, watered the trees and flowers in our school garden. Now our school looks nicer. The more pleasant thing is that many students are beginning to change in behavior for the better, like stopping littering.

We’re proud of ourselves because we have done something both for the Beijing Olympic and the environment.