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【Key Words】 Puritanism; Human nature; Prynne; Dimmesdale; Roger; Pearl; the scarlet letter

【中文摘要】 <<红字>>是十九世纪美国作家霍桑的成名作.自从本世纪五十年代被译介到我国以来,一直倍受读者的喜爱.其不朽的魅力在于它不仅无情的鞭挞了清教法规对人性的践踏,更重要的是作者对人性的善的肯定.本文旨在通过小说中四位主要人物的分析, 阐明作品所表现的深刻思想内涵:通过与邪恶的搏斗,人可以获得道德上的'完善,从而批判了清教主义所倡导的“原罪”“善恶”“拯救灵魂”“彻底堕落”的说法:小说作者主要关心的是原罪导致的后果及人们对待原罪的态度,而不是罪孽本身,他认为由于爱而犯下罪过可以得到忏悔拯救。
【关键字】 清教法规;人性;白兰;丁梅斯代尔;齐灵沃斯;珍珠;红字A

The Scarlet Letter is a famous American novel whose author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, is considered the leading American native fictionist of the 19th century. Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusette, of a prominent Puritan family, on July4, 1804. “In 1850 he brought out his masterpiece The Scarlet Letter, the story of a triangular love affair in colonial America. In this novel Hawthorne condemned the Puritan philosophy of life”[1]P49 “His stories display a psychological insight into moral isolation and human emotion. He distrusted the claim of objective reason to be able to arrive at humanly relevant truth” [2]P53
His short stories and novel includes: The Minister’s Black Veil, Twice Told Tales, Mosses from an Old Manse, The House of The Seven Gables, The Marble Faun, among which The Scarlet Letter is the most famous. The novel is short but very moving. Prynne, a young and beautiful woman, came to New England two years before his husband, an old, ugly man who can not give Prynne love. Prynne, then falls in love with Dimmesdale, a young handsome clergyman and then has a baby, Pearl, because she can not get any news from her husband, thinking that he has died. When her “adultery” is discovered, she is punished to wear a scarlet letter “A” on her chest all her life. Her husband, Roger, tries his best to torment Dismmesdale. And Dimmesdale, suffering from both physical and spirit torment, announces his “sin” at last, he dies an honest man. Roger, withers at last, Prynne, restructures her life and wins people’s respect, Pearl, leaves for Europe, marries a noble family, leading a happy life.
Hawthorne’s thought was full of contradictions. In his days, American capitalism was developing rapidly, and the social structure was changeable. He couldn’t understand this change, and tried to explain it by discovering the “hidden evil” in everyone’s heart because of the influence of Puritanism. He used symbolism and imagination, which made his works full of mystical color.
In this research paper, I analsize the main characters of the novel aiming at discussing the novel is a skeptic to the Puritan Thought.

2.Puritanism in American
    “Puritanism was entirely English in its origin, yet the movement achieved its greatest influence in America. The 17th century colonies in New England represent the fullest development of the movement.”[3]P22 Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. The Puritans were originally members of a division of the Protestant Church, who came into existence in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. The first Puritans to arrive in America were Separatists. A new group of Separatists fled England in 1607---1609, to the north of Plymouth, in the area around Boston, other Puritans began arriving in 1628---1630. They came over under the aus//biyelunwen./picpany, a corporation with rights to the area of land lying between the Charles and the Merrimack rivers.